“Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” custom phone booth:

“Be excellent to each other” should probably replace the golden rule at this point, and around the holidays there is no better phrase to live by — so much so, we wanted Bill S. Preston, Esquire, and Ted “Theodore” Logan to be our Christmas tree toppers for a few years.
While the most excellent set of Bill and Ted collectible figures exists on the market, the phone booth in the box is made of cardboard and is definitely not bodacious, and wouldn’t be good enough to grace our tree.

Using reference photos from the movies, prop makers who have built their own replica, full- size booths, and the cardboard version, I designed a phone booth to be made from acrylic.
Design was made in Adobe Illustrator.
The acrylic was purchased from Delvie’s Plastics, and it was cut on the laser cutters at Nova Labs, a makerspace in Reston, VA. Weldon SCIGRIP 4 was used as the solvent to assemble the box.

An additional 3D printed component was designed in OnShape, made to hold small “Lilypad” LEDs (these are great as they have a resistor already in the circuit and run on up to 5v making USB power bricks usable).
Inside the phone booth are shadows of Abe Lincoln, Napoleon, and Socrates. These were printed on a Prusa i3 mk3s with a 2 color print in PLA.

STL models for the figures were adapted from the following people, and were combined in Blender:
- Abraham Lincoln by ibudmen
- Napoleon 2066 body by Stefanos Anagnostopoulos
- Napoleon head/bust by gkhellas
- “Socrates” (actually a model of Napoleon, but he’s sorta dressed in robes so I went with it) by [Scan The World]
Links to some of the items used
Here’s a list of the products used that I purchased from Amazon (affiliate links below):
- Bill and Ted collectible figures: https://amzn.to/2SeR78r
- White Lilypad LEDs: https://amzn.to/2MljBto
- SCIGRIP Weldon #4 acrylic solvent: https://amzn.to/2EHsQjt

And just so I have it handy, here’s the post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/B6YOSB5FSm1/